A random collection of Matlab m-files and functions to make life easier.
- abline.m
Like R’s abline; useful for quickly addling a line according to `y = a + b * x’, or for putting a horizontal or vertical line on a plot.
- fullpage.m
For printing, make the figure fill up the whole page with small margins.
- minmax.m
Return [min max] for a vector/matrix.
- Median Absolute Deviation Correlation Coefficient, a robust correlation estimator
- Robust correlation: madcc.m | madicc.m
- Complementary functions for the usual correlation: cc.m | icc.m
- Demonstration function, illustrating how these can be used to estimate the AR(1) serial autocorrelation parameter: Demo_RobustAR.m
- SetDefLines.m
When plotting a series of lines, assigns cycle of default line styles (so you don’t have to).
- SetDefMarks.m
When plotting a series of lines, assigns cycle of default marker styles (so you don’t have to).
- sqz.m
Function ‘squeeze’ is so important, but soooo looooong. This is an alias.
- ThickLine.m
Thickens all plotted lines